New generation superplasticiser for concrete. Contains polycarboxylate ether polymers specially formulated to give exceptionally high water reduction, greater workability and extended slump retention. Water reduces the strength of concrete, Flowaid SCC disperses cement by combining the traditional effect of electrostatic repulsion with 'steric hindrance' facilitated by the molecular structure of polycarboxylate ether-based technology. This provides greater dispersion compared with electric only repulsion from those conventional BNS and SMF based superplasticisers. Typical Applications High performance concrete Mixing logistics in large pours High flow concrete High strength concrete Ready mixed concrete Mass concrete Self compacting concrete Long distance transport Key benefits Hight water reduction that enhances strengths, low permeability and makes the concrete more durable Excellent cohesion, zero segregation and minimal bleed water despite the concrete having extremely high levels of workability Exception slump retention; enhanced easier placement and delivery control especially under hot climate conditions High elastic modulus, low shrinkage and creep are achievable with proper controlled coarse and fine aggregates. Superior finishes with reduced honeycombing. Typical dose is 1% by cement content, e.g. 100kg of cement = 1 litre of superplasticiser Colour - Yellow/Brown
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