Mountains, one of nature's greatest masterpieces, in their rugged beauty, breathtaking views from the top, clear air, green pastures, mountain lakes and glaciers, have captivated mankind all along. Climbing mountains or just gazing at their majestic splendor causes us to slow down and contemplate, maybe even giving us a little serenity. Photographer Tim Hall beautifully captures the powerful solace of mountains in his images. He often chooses to shoot in dramatic weather, making his work and the photographed mountains look even more stunning and transcendent. The intention to strike an emotional or spiritual chord is evident in much of his landscape work, which is inspired by Rothko and Turner. The influence of painting in his work stems from his studies of art history at Manchester University. Mountains - Beyond the Clouds presents the extensive Alpine mountain range, including famous landmarks such as the Mont Blanc, the Matterhorn, and the Dolomites.
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